5 Simple Steps for Achieving Bold Brows

5 Simple Steps for Achieving Bold Brows

Are you ready to make your eyebrows look bolder, thicker and more defined? This is a great way to add some extra character to your face. It can be done in just five simple steps:

1. Clean up.

The first step to achieving bold brows is to clean up any stray hairs that didn’t go along with the rest of your brows. Use a spoolie brush to comb through and brush out any stray hairs that didn’t go along with the rest of your brows, then use an eyebrow pencil (I like Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade) to clean up mistakes if necessary. Finally, set everything in place by finishing off with a clear gel (I recommend Benefit Cosmetics Gimme Brow Volumizing Eyebrow Gel).

2. Take your time.

When you’re a beginner, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the process of putting on your brows. The key is not to rush through this important step and make sure that everything is done correctly before moving on with the rest of your makeup routine. You don’t want to end up with uneven or messy-looking brows! If at any point while filling them in, you find yourself frustrated or unable (or unwilling) to continue, don’t worry–start over again from scratch until they look right for YOU–no one else has permission over what happens with YOUR face except YOU!

3. Get your brows to the perfect length and shape for your face shape.

Now that you’ve got your brows in shape, it’s time to take them to the next level. The best way to do this is by making sure they match the shape of your face.

To measure the distance between your brows, use a ruler and hold it up against one side of your face so that it touches both eyes. This should give you an idea of where they should fall on each side. If you have a round face (think Jennifer Lawrence), then try keeping them shorter than this measurement so that they don’t overpower other features like those big beautiful eyes! On the flip side if you have an oval shaped mug like me or Selena Gomez, then make sure those babies are at least as long as mine are above before moving on!

4. Use a spoolie brush to comb through and brush out any stray hairs that didn’t go along with the rest of your brows.

A spoolie brush is a small, angled brush that you can use to comb through your brows and shape them.

5. Fill in the rest of your brows with a tiny amount of brow powder or pencil, and then blend with a clean spoolie brush until they’re perfectly even and look full but still natural on your face (like in the picture above!).

Once you’ve filled in your brows, take a clean spoolie brush and use it to blend the product into the rest of your brows. Make sure they look even and natural! Don’t go overboard with the color–you want them to look like they’re naturally part of your face, not painted on. Also, don’t use too much product; if you do, it will be more difficult for you to blend everything out evenly and smoothly.

You can achieve bold eyebrows!

  • Step 1: Clean up

Before you take your tweezers to your brows, make sure they’re clean and clear of any makeup or residue. This will ensure that you get the most accurate shape possible while avoiding any unnecessary irritation that could lead to redness or infection (which we want no part of). To do this, simply wash them with warm water and soap (or an oil-free cleanser if you prefer) then pat dry with a towel–and voila! Your brows are ready for primping.* Step 2: Take your time* With all due respect for those who can master an expertly-shaped pair in mere minutes, it’s important that we set realistic expectations here: achieving bold brows will take some time–but not too much! You’ll want to spend about 10 minutes on each individual step so as not to rush through anything; however if you feel like taking longer than 20 minutes per session isn’t going overboard.* 3..Get The Right Shape For Your Face Shape


So there you have it, my friends! My five-step process for achieving bold brows. I hope this little guide will help you to feel more confident in your own skin, and maybe even inspire some of my fellow women out there who are looking for ways to express themselves through their beauty routines.

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